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  • 专任教师-马静远

    发布时间:2016-01-27 10:10:14








    · Comparative Analysis of Merger Control Policy - Lessons for China, Intersentia August 2014, ISBN 978-1-78068-245-7

    · WebLink:http://intersentia.com/en/shop/vakgebied/law/comparative-analysis-of-merger-control-policy.html


    1.J. Ma and M. Marquis,Corporate Culture and Competition Compliance in East Asia, 15South Carolina Journal of International Law & Business, forthcoming 2019

    2.J.Ma and D. Sokol,Procedural Fairness in Chinese Antitrust,in Daniel Sokol and Andrew Guzman (eds)Antitrust Procedural Fairness, Oxford University Press, forthcoming January 2019

    3.J. Ma,TheInternationalization of Merger Review: Extraterritoriality, Conflicts and Convergence,World EconomicsAssociation (WEA) Public Law and Economics, WEA/College Publications 2018

    4.J.Ma and M. Marquis,Moral Wrongfulness and Cartel Criminalization in EastAsia, 35Arizona Journal of InternationalandComparative Law(2018).

    5.M. MarquisandJ. Ma,Confucian Bureaucracy and the AdministrativeEnforcement of Competition Law in East Asia, 43NorthCarolina Journal of International Law 1(2018).

    6.D. Sokol and J. Ma,Understanding Online Markets and Antitrust Analysis, 15Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property43 (2017).

    7.J. MaandM. Marquis,BusinessCulture in East Asia and Implications for CompetitionLaw, 51Texas International Law Journal1(2016).

    8.J. Ma,MarketIntegration as the Goal of Competition Law: The EU Experience and its Implicationsfor China, in N.Philipsen, S.E. Weishaar and G. Xu (eds)Market Integration: The EU Experience and Implications for Regulatory Reform inChina, pp. 15-40, Heidelberg, Germany Springer 2015

    9.M. Faure and J. Ma,Cartel Enforcement in China: Monetary or Criminal Sanctions?in N. Philipsen and G. Xu (eds)The Role of Law and Regulation in Sustaining Financial Markets, pp. 195-221, Routledge October 2014

    10.R. Van den Bergh and J. Ma,Enforcing AntitrustLaw in China: Is Decentralization Desirable?in M. Faure and G. Xu (eds)Economics and Regulation in China, pp.134-161, Routledge September 2013


    • 主持2018年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“数据垄断的法律规制研究”

    • 主持2015年度中央财经大学青年教师发展基金项目“反垄断法的经济学和比较法专题研究”


