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  • 【域外法论坛】Kushner:Major New York Cases Arising Out of the Financial Crisis


    主题:Major New York Cases Arising Out of the Financial Crisis

    主讲人:Lowenstein Sandler律师事务所合伙人Amiad Kushner(康国永)律师

    评议人:君合律师事务所  陈效律师



    主讲人简介:Amiad Kushner represents asset managers, investment funds, and other market participants in complex litigation and arbitration spanning a wide range of areas, including mergers and acquisitions, derivatives, securities, distressed debt, and bankruptcy litigation. Amiad’ s practice routinely involves cross-border litigation and international arbitration, including matters involving the interplay of U.S. and foreign law and multi-jurisdictional strategic considerations. Amiad has developed a specialty in disputes arising from mergers and acquisitions and stock purchase transactions, including matters related to termination payments, liquidated damages, earn-outs, purchase price adjustments and indemnification issues.
